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Labels: Family, Prayer Request
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
Labels: Family, Prayer Request
Labels: Family, Prayer Request
Labels: Canadian Baptist Ministries, Eastleigh Community Centre, Eastleigh Jewelry, Eastleigh Pottery, Iftin, Somali Ministry, The Sharing Way
Labels: Canadian Baptist Ministries, Eastleigh Community Centre, Eastleigh Jewelry, Family, Prayer Request, The Sharing Way
Hot from the kiln... we just completed our first experimental batch of ceramic beads with the Eastleigh Jewelry project. While we wait for our first shipment of imported glazes, the pottery team has been working with locally available glazes. The results have been good. Tomorrow we will be interviewing about twenty candidates from the Iftin group to make up the first group of ten participants in the ceramic bead training program -- from this group we will begin the jewelry enterprise.
Labels: Canadian Baptist Ministries, Eastleigh Community Centre, Eastleigh Jewelry, Eastleigh Pottery, Iftin, Somali Ministry, The Sharing Way, Vocational Training Centre (VTC)
Thanks so much for everyone who has been keeping us in prayer.
Labels: Prayer Requests
Labels: Canadian Baptist Ministries, Eastleigh Community Centre, Eastleigh Womens Group, Iftin, Prayer Requests, The Sharing Way
Labels: Family, Prayer Requests
Labels: Family, Prayer Requests
Somalia's new president Sheik Aharif Sheikh Ahmed has tried to dissuade the advance of Al-Shabaab, even this week agreeing to institute a lenient form of Sharia law to appease them. Despite this, they vow to continue fighting.
In Prayer:
* Please pray for our young friend, Jamaal, and for hundreds of youth like him who are being enticed to join a so-called "Holy War" against their fellow countrymen. Hatred is a powerful evil. We pray that God's peace would over come the deep distrust and spiritual conflict within Somalia. We pray for vulnerable youth like Jamaal that they will have eyes to see through the lies and hatred that will never free Somalia from war and death.
* Please keep our friend Moxamuud and his group Somali Youth for Peace in your prayers. Together they are working to promote peaceful conflict resolution among the Eastleigh Community.
Economist Story on Al Shabaab
* Names changed.
Labels: Al Shabaab, Eastleigh, Kenya, Prayer Requests, Somali Ministry, Somalia
Labels: Eastleigh Community Centre, Football, Iftin
Today, our team mate, Diane Bannister, came to class with us to talk to the women of Iftin about HIV/ AIDS and TB. Diane explained to the girls how the disease can be transmitted and the importance of being tested. Many girls responded that they would like to be tested but there is too much shame attached to the test. They said that if they tested positive it would automatically be assumed that they had contracted the disease through sin and they would then be alienated from their family and community. Please pray for these women as they are very vulnerable to sexual assault and live under with much fear and shame.
Labels: Canadian Baptist Ministries, Eastleigh Community Centre, Iftin, Somali Ministry, Vocational Training Centre (VTC)