Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kenya Struggles

Prayer Updates!

1. Please continue to pray for the political situation here in Kenya: Yesterday there was more rioting here in Nairobi over the present stalemate between the president and prime minister over their inability to reach an agreement for choosing a cabinet.

2. Over the past three months, over 1200 women and children were officially reported as having been raped during the political/racial violence in Kenya. Please continue to pray for the Christian workers and health care providers who are on the front lines serving victims of sexual assault. Thank you for continuing to pray for our friend Lucy: She is doing well and receiving regular medical and spiritual help. Please also pray for Farah, a women we met with today who has injured herself carrying heavy water containers while eight months pregnant. We pray that both she and the baby will be alright. We are thankful for her family that is committed to helping her over the coming year.

The increase in reported sexual assault has led to a renewed discussion of women's rights and issues in Kenya. Kenya's "Daily Nation" has an interesting article today about a debate over allowing abortions for rape victims in Kenya (See the link below):

3. Please continue to pray for the tens of thousands of Kenyans who continue to live as refugees. Last week we saw a camp of several thousand in Naivasha (in the Rift Valley) and we met with some volunteers who had been serving among 15,000 refugees in Eldoret. Alot of healing is needed in Kenya. There remain 19 children staying at the temporary camp at the Eastleigh Community Centre.


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kennys four
We will continue to pray for you folk and for Kenya and the women and the very serious issues they have to have to face.
God Bless


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