Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Martins -- Whonu?

Emma, Heather, Tristan, and Brian
hanging out after school at Rosslyn Academy
One of the great things about being a part of Canadian Baptist Ministries is the care and genuine interest our CBM family takes in not only our work, but in our family. Among the many ways CBM cares for us is in the area of TCKs (Third Culture Kids). Heather Martin serves as CBM's member care coordinator and with a warm and sensitive spirit serves the many CBM children adjusting to life overseas and returning to Canada as TCKs.

This weekend, Heather, and her husband Brian, concluded a vacation Bible school program that they were helping to lead in Kenya with a group of volunteers from Ontario, and, rather than taking a few days holiday with the rest of their group, they came to visit with our children. It was a treat for Tristan, Emma and Ava to have Heather and Brian come to hear their stories, see their bedrooms, visit their classrooms and just play together with them.
Upon their arrival, they presented our family with a new game called "Whonu?" -- Tristan and Emma absolutely loved it! There seemed to be no end to the fun the kids had in this game of guessing every one's favorite and least favorite things. Emma has started to call the game "Woo-hoo!"
Today, the Martins stayed after school to watch Emma try out for her school swim team. She was very proud to have a cheering section in the bleachers and was a little speedboat as she did her laps in the pool.

During their visit, they also shared in our ministry with the Eastleigh Community Centre, including some time with one of our Somali women's ESL classes. It was a blessing to spend time with the Martins and discuss issues of both work and family.

A Chinese Skipping Rope Demonstration

While in Eastleigh, Heather shared a few special gifts with our students including a new style of skipping which she introduced to the Somali women. The ladies fully enjoyed her animated demonstration and soon several of the students volunteered to give it a try. Two feet in, two feet out, now land on the ropes! Phew! -- There was quite a chorus of laughter.

Heather and Brian Martin with Ava
visiting the Nest children's home in Limuru.
They were also able to spend some quality time with our little Ava. On Monday morning, we travelled together up to the chilly town of Limuru to visit the women who first cared for Ava at the Nest. It was a delight to be with many of the children who remembered Ava from when she was only four months old.
It was a true blessing to have the Martins come and share their love and attention with our children.

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At 4:54 AM, Blogger The Guthries said...

What a neat thing for the kids to have someone from CBM come to Kenya to get to know them. We met Heather in May and know what a sweet woman she is, I am sure the kids made friends with her very fast.



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