Friday, January 11, 2008

CBM Kenya

CBM Kenyan team
Malcolm, Aaron, Yattani, A, Paul
Patty, Erica, Gary, R, and Kelly

(missing in the photograph: Sam & Pauline Mutisya, and Tim & Diane Bannister who both had to leave before the photo was taken; as well as Laura Ward who is currently in Rwanda.)

Our CBM Somali Ministry Team with Dr. Nelson
Aaron, Yattani, Paul, Erica, Gary, Kelly and Kengi

(Yattani is a Kenyan who has joined our CBM work in Dadaab, and Kengi is Paul and Kelly Carline's nephew who has just arrived to spend three months as a short term missionary in Dadaab.
Kengi has also been helping with the refugees at Karura
Community Church over the past two days.)

Aaron and Tristan sporting new Sharing Way hats!

The Sharing Way is contributing emergency relief funds to help our national partners in addressing urgent internal refugee needs.

Today Erica and I had the pleasure of joining our fellow Canadian Baptist team mates for a meeting with Dr. Gary Nelson, the General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries. Gary had been planning to come to Kenya for Sharing Way meetings before the outbreak of conflict, but even after his original meetings were cancelled he decided to come anyway to encourage our team and to support our national partners. It was good to be able to discuss our experiences of the past three weeks and to consider our options and strategies for further life and ministry here in Kenya. We left the meeting thankful for the wonderful support and concern that we've experienced from CBM. We will be seeing more of Gary as he comes to visit our entire family tomorrow. We will no longer be taking him into Northeastern province during this visit. Our entire team will be staying in close contact over the coming weeks.

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At 7:32 PM, Blogger The Guthries said...

What an amazing team!
May God richly bless this team and bring peace to Kenya. Lord would you be glorified through this team, strengthen them, minister through them, help them know where to minister through your Holy Spirit. Strengthen their families, their marriages and the team for your name's sake.Amen

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I am passing all emails from Kenya on to other members of my church who are praying for Kenya. I keep reminding myself that God is ultimately in control, despite the uncertainty from a human point of view.

May our Lord bless you as you minister in His name.

What a year this has been since you left Canada for Kenya!


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Greta said...

Thank you for the photo of the CBM Kenyan team...just wanted you to know that it will become the cover of our church bulletin tomorrow, along with insert pictures of those who were missing from the picture. This should serve as a visual reminder for us to be praying for you and... be assured many are praying for Kenya and its people. Blessings, Greta [Psalm 91]

At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Appreciate the pictures and update. Have put it on our website and will email the churches in REgion 3 to pray for peace and safety.
Jane & John Weiler

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday Jan. 13
Pastor Jerry Redding prayed for all the team at Hillsides services today.
Keep safe.
Jane Weiler

At 3:44 PM, Blogger kathy said...

hello kennys,may God bless you and your family and friends as you continue in your mission.the children in sunday school class at eastern passage baptist church have some prayers of hope they wrote.
may God be with you to keep your family and friends safe-i wish you the best and nothing bad will happen to you guys.stay strong and hold on tight.don't worry about anything-have faith-have hope-have spirit-remember Lord loves you-in the begin,the Word was already there.the Word was with God,and the Word was God.John 1:1 p.s. it always has been and always will-i am praying for your safety and that you will be successful.i am praying that everyone will be home soon.-the Lord gives us victory through his son and saved us from our sins and because of that we will praise him four ever and ever-waz sup,mister and misses kenny's.hope u r safe from the violence.rock on!-may God be with everyone in kenya-Amen

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Aaron and family,
I'm not sure if you remember me, but we shared some summers in PEI. I was thoroughly blessed as I drove from my folks home in Kingston to Sackville, N.B. where I am finishing a degree, to hear you all the way from Nairobi on CBC Radio! I spent some time in Tanzania in the summer and long to serve the Lord wherever He might put me! Blessings and you are in my prayers. John Frost


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