Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Praxis Kenya

Back row: Gumer (TSW Bolivia), teacher from Garissa school, Malcolm, Joseph G., Joseph M., Heather, Kristen, Dawson, Samuel, Michael, Beth, Rose, Leona, Yatanni, Claudia, Christine.
Front row: Mary, Candice, Craig, Erica, Aaron, Carolyn, Rukiya (school head mistress) and students from the Garissa school project.

We have reached the half way mark in our time with the Kenya Praxis group. We returned to Nairobi from a dusty wind swept Garissa in Kenya's Northeast Province with this intrepid team of graduate students (8 selected from across Canada, 4 from the African Bortherhood Church and 4 from the African Christian Church and Schools). Together we have been learning about Intergal mission, first through a course taught by Prof. Rupen Das of Humber College, Toronto, and now through two weeks of practical experiences in CBM's three strategic areas of ministry within Kenya.

During our visit to NEP, the praxis students were introduced to Somali ministry. Our Somali friend Muhammad shared his own faith journey and helped orientate to "what it means to be a Muslim". The Praxis participants also taught morning classes at a local primary school which The Sharing Way has been partnering. The school cares for over 230 orphans and vulnerable children living within the town of Garissa. Rukiya founded the school with a group of fifteen Somali mothers and grandmothers who came together to find ways to protect and provide for the most vulnerable children in their community.

We will return to Somali ministry on Thursday as the group shares in a project at the Eastleigh Community Centre where we serve. Today, our African team leader, Malcolm Card, brought the group to Thika to meet with the Moderator of the ACC&S, Dr. Julius Karanja, and to introduce them to the work of the ACC&S Bible School.

Please keep this group in your prayers: while one of the Canadians has recovered well from illness, Erica has needed to take three of the Kenyan participants to clinics over the past few days due to malaria. We pray that the Lord will give them strength and that he will guard us all from illness.

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