Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tag I'm It!

This is the first time we have ever responded to a "blog tag". It comes from our good friend Dennis (aka Buddy to our kids) and we thought it was fun.


1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next three sentences.

5. Tag five people.

The closest book to me at the momment is my devotional book, A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God, by Norman Shawchuck and Rueben P. Job. The fifth line of the 123rd page picks up a quote from M. Robert Mulholland Jr. concerning listening for God's voice while reading scripture, and runs directly into a quote from Henri J. M. Nouwen:

"Not only will this exercise begin to transform your approach to reading (and prepare you for the role of scripture in spiritual formation), it will also begin to transform your whole mode of being in relationship with God in a way that will enhance spiritual formation.

"In solitude, we come to know the Spirit who has already been given to us. The pains and struggles we encounter in our solitude thus become the way to hope, because our hope is not based on something that will happen after our suffering are over, but on the real presence of God's healing Spirit in the midst of these sufferings.""

2. Here is another quote from one of Emma's favorites, "The Great Big Glorious Book for Girls". Page 123 falls in the middle of a discussion on hair and hair care:

"It is very useful for a Bad Hair Day, when hair is greasy or plain wayward.

The low pony tail is quiet and elegant. Gather your hair at the nape of your neck and secure it anyway you like (It looks especially good with a velvet ribbon).

Thanks Dennis!


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Martin Zwicker said...

Tag - I'm it!

Book - "To Give or Not To Give: Rethinking Dependency, Restoring Generosity, & Redefining Sustainability"

Author - John Rowell

Quote - "We expect to play a dominant role as saviours of the civilized world. With this perception, as Bonk observes, we carry a variety of 'gospels' around the globe. We promote the gospel of 'science, technology, modern weapons, democracy, and of course, of religion.' But even if we manage to focus primarily on a truly evangelical Christian witness, our message is too often only a 'comfortably incarnated gospel'."

Hmm . . . hard to believe "that" was random!

Martin Zwicker


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