Sunday, February 01, 2009

R & R

On Friday, we enjoyed some down time with our friends Michael and Mike at the Acacia Camp. We were blessed with a second encounter with the lone male lion on the reserve.

As we were driving along a trail, we spotted him sitting in the open. After a few minutes of watch each other, the lion stood and moved in for a closer look. We weren't sure what he was going to do, but it was a relief when he stopped about 20 ft away from us and went on his way.

Around the camp fire, catching up with Michael and Mike on their experiences in Uganda.

Diane Bannister with Connie Smith
(Connie was visiting from the Congo for a little R&R)

On Saturday, we left Acacia and went with Michael to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi. Along with the orphaned elephants, we were thrilled to meet a three and a half week old black rhino.

The rhino was very affectionate! Both Erica and Tristan were covered in mud from cuddling with him. He was basically in Erica's lap... What an experience!

Michael making a new friend!
A highlight of the day was a visit to the Giraffe Centre where Michael fed and hugged the giraffe -- but wouldn't kiss them (You've got a faithful man there Melanie!).

He also had a chance to experience a Kenyan market. We walked the narrow rows full of people bartering for a deal amongst the hundreds of shops.

Emma inspecting the tilapia
(fried fish that look at you while your eating them)

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