Friday, March 09, 2007

The view

Last night after snaking through some of the world's worst traffic, from the Kenyatta International Airport (where we picked up Sam Mutisyia) to Nairobi Centre, Paul, Sam, and I met with Ron Ward to continue the meetings we began in Garissa concerning the Sharing Way work among Somalis. As we arrived at Ron's hotel, Paul gave me a sly smile -- "We'll be meeting at Ron's private table". Soon we were walking up a narrow stair and through a smokey restaurant (Where they actually have about half a dozen cigarette brands for sale in the menu -- we're not in Canada anymore) to a back window. "This is it!" Paul said as he hoisted himself out the window. Sam and I followed Paul through the third storey window out onto a narrow balcony which housed the hotel's sigh and exterior lighting. There sat Ron at a small table with three empty chairs, awaiting our arrival.

It was wonderful to meet with Ron and Sam who together know practically every church leader and non-governmental agency working in Kenya -- What amazing history they share. Many stories were told and ministry plans discussed. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord's focus and clear direction. Critical opportunities abound and we desperately need the Lord's gift of discernment. Sitting high above the busy street, I was reminded of how the Lord's perspective is so much broader than our own. I am so thankful for the wisdom and guidance of God's Spirit working among us all.

It has been a very busy week. Along with teaching, working with our language helpers, having street punks try and rob us (they tried to steal my watch and cell phone while we were stuck in Eastleigh traffic, but we pulled free and yelling they ran off to find another target -- the Lord is our sheild), and meetings -- we also found a home! We are very excited and can not wait to show you some pictures. If everything comes together, we will move on the first of April.

Aaron & Erica


At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm so glad to hear of your experiences in Kenya. I guess you can learn from all your experiences... even from being robbed haha jk.
It's interesting to hear of Kenya from your perspective A&E.
So.... you're moving again huh? How many moves does that make for you in the last year? hehe

I give you each OO's and XX's,
talk soon k,
P.S. Tell Tristan I said "Goodnight Irene" haha, and tell Emma I think she's terrific.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Wow, one adventure after another. We're just wrapping up March Break in tropical Sussex Corner(BRRRRRR). Lauren (and Andrew and Donna and I) got to see a Sea Dogs hockey game the other night. Lauren also took us to JJ's the other day. She got a POGO in honor of Emma and Tristan.

Looks like it will start to get warmer this weekend. Lately it's been Settlers weather, with no one to play :-(

Take care...


PS Erica...I've finally started beading again after a long hiatus. I think I've made about 7 necklace and earring sets this week...

At 9:56 PM, Blogger autumn said...

Wow...congrats on the house! I'm so excited for you!

The Lord is really protecting you (even from theives) and leading you! I'm extremely proud of you all!
love always

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just loved your account of the rooftop meeting with Ron, Sam and Paul. I know that the ministry to the Somali must be terribly frustrating at times. Tim Bannister once described them as the most Spirit resistant people on earth. At the same time I cannot help but think that our God has both put together an amazing team of people, and prepared the situation where He wants you to act. God loves to do the impossible because it brings great glory to him. Scripture tells us to go forth boldly, so that is my prayer for your team. God bless.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger four_kennys said...

Thanks so much for your prayers!We are excited about having a place to call our own and for the developments in Somali ministry. All of our experiences have been shaping us. Even the attempted robbery has reminded us of God's sovereign protection (and of the importance of keeping our windows all the way up in the city!) Again and again, He has covered us with such an incredible peace --- it has to be from the Lord because it is nothing to do with us!

And thabks again for your comments, it is great to hear from home!

Aaron & Erica


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