Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November's happenings...

November is moving right along! Last week we greeted Wayne & Kathryn Cassidy, friends from our language prep time at Tyndale. Wayne and Katheryn are serving in Tajikastan (spelling?) where they work among a largerly muslim community. They are staying with us at either end of their time here in Kenya, enjoying some R&R.

Yesterday, a short term team from First Baptist Vancouver arrived for a three week mission. They will be spending nearly a week of their time in Garissa, Northeast province, where they will be learning about the CBM work there among the Somali people.

The work in Dadaab is going well. The primary school is enjoying the playground (which is holding together strong despite the extrodinary high use it is getting -- Paul Carline has already had to replace the "d" clamps holding the swings because the kids have already warn through the first set in just over a month). The school principal tells us that kids are still lining up to play on the swings and teeter totter an hour before school starts every morning and they are on it till dark!

Finally, please keep the Carline family in your prayers. Keenan, the youngest, has contracted a terrible dose of the mumps. He was sick all weekend, but it has gotten worse and he has been in hospital for the past two nights.


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