Saturday, December 29, 2007

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen!

Emma will be wearing a hat for the next while
until her beautiful locks return.

We've settled in for a day at home away from the rioting and unrest that has broke out in the city over the elections. Although it seemed that Odinga was way ahead and guaranteed a landslide victory, disputes with over fifty poling stations have caused a large portion of the ballots to be now two days late in the tally. Luo's (Odinga's tribe) are accusing the Kikuyu's (Kibaki's tribe) of withholding their poling stations in order to stuff the ballot boxes in their districts to match the Odinga vote in his areas. Local radio stations are pleading for the two leaders to come and speak to the crowds that have surrounded International Conference Centre and have been hurling stones at the building. according to news reports, police have shutdown the downtown core and have cut off groups assembling in Kibera and slums on the Eastside of the city.


In Prayer:

Please be praying for Emma. She has a fungal infection that has caused the hair on the top of her head to fall out. She is on medication now and will have to stay on it for 6 weeks. Pray that it doesn't spread and that her hair grows back quickly.

Please pray for a peaceful resolution of the elections and for the violence in Nairobi to quiet down. We are praying for a safe drive through the city on New Year's Eve when we pick Erica's mom, Mary, up from the airport.


At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Emma,
You look great in that hat. Sounds like you all had a nice Christmas. od Bless Bev

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Am praying that God will make a way as you get Mary from the airport. Remembering you all in prayer in these challenging days in Nairobi.

At 3:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I will pray that Emma's condition improves and her hair will grow back. God Bless!


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