Sunday, December 02, 2007


Throughout the world Christians of numerous traditions and tribes gathered this morning to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, the four weeks of meditation and preparation prior to the celebration of Christmas. As children, Erica and I both have fond memories of the weeks of Advent, and we are now privileged to lead our own children through this season here in Kenya.

Our preparations began over a week ago as Erica started to search for Christmas music. One of her most vivid and joy-filled memories of Christmas was an old record titled "Sunshine Snowflakes" (1973). She was thrilled to receive an email from her sister, Lana, that an online version of the record was now available. For years I've listened to Erica singing "Happy Birthday Baby Jesus", and now we can finally hear the original. I can just imagine Erica and her sisters dancing around their living room in Christmas pjs, singing along with the record player.

Now with an ipod play list of nearly two hundred Christmas songs playing in our home, we've begun to deck the halls! (Well, we've found a beautiful little cypress tree and local poinsettias.) The other central feature is our advent wreath and candles. We are using an advent devotional with a paper wreath for our kids in mark our progress through the month. Today, we joined a Mennonite Advent hymn sing here in the city. It was such a blessing to gather together with other believers to sing the canon of Christmas hymns and carols of the Church. Tristan loves "Joy to the World" and Emma's favorite is "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".

It is certainly odd for us as Canadians to be anticipating Christmas at the equator. We miss the snow, frosted window panes, balsam fir, pine cones,.. and the many little things that have been apart of our Christmases for so long. Most of all we miss our family and friends. In fact, we've met several families here who refuse to celebrate Christmas all together in Africa because they find it to painful. We are going to risk the home sickness that goes along with Christmas, and perhaps that is at the heart of what Advent is all about -- longing, waiting, anticipation for something promised that is not yet. Christ is coming,...once again!

We wish you all a meaningful Advent season. May God use this time to shape all of us in Hope, Faith, Peace and Love


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Aaron!
How very faith-full are your thoughts, though realistic with longing and waiting - and with so much hope - beautifully written. Thank you!

PS - I'm humming along, too . . .

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have that tape as well. I was introduced to it by a roommate who loved to sing. Now when I play mine I will think of you all and pray for you. Shirley Gamble


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