Monday, March 12, 2007

Prayer Request

We have had a long weekend with two sick children. We spent Sunday evening at Gertrude's Garden Childrens Hospital with Tristan where, after blood tests, the doctors found that Tristan has a bacterial infection. He is on antibiotics again but is feeling much better and wanted to go to school today. Please pray that the antibiotics kill whatever bug he has.

Emma had an earache on and off all weekend and this morning when we woke up the left side of her face was swollen. We went to the doctor and he suspects that she has mumps. So she is home from school for the week as mumps are contagious. Please pray that she recovers quickly and has a restful week at home.


At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tristan and Emma,
Hope you are feeling all better soon. Being sick isn't much fun, but glad you are feeling well enough to go to school soon Tristan. Emma, hope that you will have a fun week at home as you get better. God is taking care of you both by giving you a Mom and dad to take care of you. Hugs and Kisses Bev

At 10:03 PM, Blogger autumn said...

oh guys...sounds like you had a rough weekend! We will definitly keep you all in our prayers! love you tons. autumn

At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor little dolls. I hate to hear that you're sick. I'll be praying also.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Hey guys,
hope tristan and emma are feeling better no fun being sick.
how is everything else going there? good i hope.i found an artical about you guys at my work in the newspaper KINGS COUNTY RECORD. i'll be giving mary a couple of copies.
anyway take care guys.
hi E love D

At 2:54 PM, Blogger M & M Waddell said...

Hi Tristan and Emma,
We're really sad to hear that you guys are sick. We'll be praying that you get better really soon. I bet that you're really happy that you have such great parents to nurse you back to health. Tristan, it is really good news to hear that you love school so much that you can't wait to get back, eventhough you're still recovering. Emma, sorry to hear that you're pretty little face is swollen, it will be better in a flash. We love you all! Kyla says: ttkaiaidkkdeiignhddkkeieidnkylaisdisdiaiklsdidaleieieiiaidiiadiaeiaeiilae Direct translation: I am sad that you are sick and I hope you feel better soon. Miss you!

At 6:14 PM, Blogger four_kennys said...

Thank you for your Prayers!

Tristan and Emma are doing great. Because of the mumps, Emma has had to stay home this week, but that has given her some very special time with mommy. Today Erica took Emma for a sunny walk around Westlands.

Aaron & Erica

Hi D love E


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