Wardrobe Changes
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
It is Sunday morning and we are all getting ready for worship. Today we'll be joining Tristan's science teacher and his family after church for lunch and making homemade icecream -- we are all very excited!
This week we welcomed a new addition to our family. Tristan and Emma were thrilled when we brought this tiny little Maltese Terrior puppy home. Her name is Maziwa na Mandazi which means milk and donuts in Swahili; we call her Maisie for short. She is a little cuddly ball of fur. She looks big but when she is wet there is nothing to her. She had all of her needles today and is now fast asleep on my lap from such a busy day.
This past weekend we headed to Garissa with Tristan, Emma and Meuni (from the CBM office in Toronto). We left on Friday for the 6 hour drive; Tristan and Emma did great! We had a chance to visit wit Ron and Joan Ward over supper; Tristan and Emma had a great time catching frogs and crickets in their house. Joan says that she can't close her eyes when she showers for fear of stepping on a frog! Saturday morning we headed out at 6:30 am to visit the camels in Raya. We sat in the back of the Ward's Land Rover and had breakfast as we drove.
We have had a long weekend with two sick children. We spent Sunday evening at Gertrude's Garden Childrens Hospital with Tristan where, after blood tests, the doctors found that Tristan has a bacterial infection. He is on antibiotics again but is feeling much better and wanted to go to school today. Please pray that the antibiotics kill whatever bug he has.
Today we had the pleasure of visiting with Patty Card who is back in Kenya for three weeks for meetings with the Guardians of Hope work with HIV/AIDS orphans and affected families. As we have been living in Malcolm and Patty's apartment, it was fun to spend the day seeing this community through her eyes. She introduced us to some of her favorite haunts and walks. Together with the Carlines we shared a great evening together recounting the joys and embarrassing challenges of Kenya. Patty has an intense few weeks of travel ahead of her as she will be visiting projects scattered throughout Kenya and Rwanda. Please remember her in your prayers.